Wednesday 29 June 2011

Sepia Saturday 81 : Saturday 2 July 2011

Well I am back - just about. The routine of my life seems difficult to uncover among the changes brought about by holidays, retirements and all the rest. A little patient excavating is needed : brushing away the layers of dust and sand that time has deposited, but hopefully I will be back blogging, commenting and generally making a nuisance of myself within the next few days. In the meantime here is a Sepia Saturday call for you all and the archive image comes from the collection of the National Library of Ireland. Little is known of the image other than it was taken in 1909 at a bazaar in Tramore, County Waterford. What appeals to me so much about the photograph is that - with the benefit of a century-worth of hindsight - the ladies look so nineteenth century rather than twentieth century. What would they of thought of the century and the radical changes they were trying to portray? So if you want a theme for the coming Sepia Saturday you could always try photographs taken in the twentieth century - how about that for scope! Sepia Saturday 81 will take place on or around Saturday 2 July 2011. I look forward to catching up with everyone then.
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Sepia Saturday 80 : Saturday 25 June 2011

Library of Congress via Flickr
Although I am posting this before I leave for holiday, by the time Sepia Saturday 80 gets around (on or about Saturday 25th June 2011) I should be back. And I will be participating. And there is a reason why I have chosen this particular image : but you will have to wait until my post is up to find out. The photograph above dates back to 1942 and it comes from the collection of the Library of Congress. If you want to follow a theme, feel free - but pick whatever theme you like from the above image. Whatever you choose, come and join me for Sepia Saturday 80.
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Sepia Saturday 79 : Saturday 18 June 2011

George Eastman House Collection via Flickr Commons
I am still away : and when you get to see this call I should be somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I had a quick look to see if I could find any archive photographs of the Atlantic and then realised that the ocean looks like the ocean : wherever it may be and whenever it was captured on film. The best I could come up with is this photograph taken in 1905 on Atlantic City Beach, Hopefully, by the time Sepia Saturday 79 comes around (on or about Saturday 18th June 2011) the sun will be shining wherever you may be. But remember, too much time in the sun is not good for you, so step inside for a few moments and add a post to Sepia Saturday. Sun or sand, beach or ocean blue - or something completely unrelated. It matters not as long as it is old.
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sepia Saturday 78 : Saturday 11 June 2011

By the time you read this, I won't be here. No, this is not a message from beyond the grave, it is just that I am pre-posting this in the hope that it will magically appear once I have left for my holidays. If all goes well. by the time this appears I will be in America, and by the time Sepia Saturday 78 comes around (on or around Saturday 11 June 2011) I will be about to enter New York Harbour on a hunking-big cruise ship. So my archive photograph this week features New York - although the "themers" out there might want to hang their coats on a number of hooks including newspapers, office buildings, or even the Eiffel Tower. Whatever you post, post it and link below. Just remember, I will be searching for a cyber-cafe in New York so that I can keep up with all your submissions.
SEPIA SATURDAY is a weekly meme which encourages bloggers to publish and share old images and photographs. All that is required is for contributors to post an old image (it doesn't have to be in sepia) and provide a few words in explanation. If you could provide a link back to the Sepia Saturday Blog and visit as many of the other contributors as you can, it would also be appreciated. There is no weekly theme, as such, but some people like to use the archive image published with the weekly call as a kind of theme. There is no requirement to adopt such an approach : the choice of image is entirely up to you. Once you have published your Sepia Saturday post, add a link to that post to the Linky List published each week and leave a comment to let everyone know you are joining in.