Wednesday 20 December 2017

Sepia Saturday 399 : 23 - 30 December 2017

Well, there we go: another year almost over and another Sepia Festive Season upon us. Traditions that go back decades mean that our Christmas prompt covers both Christmas and the New Year. As you can see it is a Christmas greetings card and it provides us all with an opportunity to create our own sepia cards and share them with other Sepians. Whatever you decide to do, simply post your post on or around Saturday 23rd December 2017 and post a link to the list below. If you want to while away the time over the holiday season you may wish to have a think about what awaits you in the Sepia New Year. Here are our next two prompts - the rest of the January ones can be found HERE.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Sepia Saturday 398 : 16 December 2017

It's playtime in the snow, winter in the park, swings and slides - or simply black and white. Our theme image this week is one of my own old photographs dating back forty years or so. For the record, it was taken in Crookes Valley Park in Sheffield - so you can add Sheffield and even crook(e)s to the potential theme list. Whatever you decide to go with, simply post your post on or around Saturday 16th December 2017 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for the snow that is blanketing your usual creativity to melt, why not take a look at the final theme for this year which will cover the two Sepia Saturdays over Christmas and New Year.

And if you want a longer term view you can view all the theme images for January 2018 by following this link:-

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Sepia Saturday 397 : 9 December 2017

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a small boy and a large fish. The identity of the boy is unknown (and, come to think of it, the precise identity of the fish is also unknown) but the photograph was seemingly taken at the Bon Echo Inn, in the Bon Echo Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. The photograph forms part of the Flickr Commons Stream of the Cloyne & District Historical Society. As usual, you can interpret the prompt in any way you want, all you need to do is to post your post on or around Saturday 9th January 2017 and link it to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for a fish to bite, you might want to have a preview of the remaining prompt images for 2017.

And just in case you have to wait a long time for a fish to bite, you could even have a look at the image prompts for January 2018 which are now available HERE. Happy Fishing!

Sepia Saturday Image Prompts - January 2018

Our four Sepia Saturday themes for January 2018 are taken from the Flickr Commons stream of The National Library Of Ireland. As always, you are free to interpret the themes as you want, but you may  find the following suggestions useful:

SEPIA SATURDAY 400 : 6 January 2018

SEPIA SATURDAY 401 : 13 January 2018

SEPIA SATURDAY 402 : 20 January 2018

SEPIA SATURDAY 403 : 27 January 2018