Thursday 28 May 2020

Sepia Saturday 522 : 30 May 2020

We have to stay at home. We have to socially distance, we have to stay safe - so what on earth can we possibly do? We can go out and dig the garden, that's what we can do. Dig a big hole and plant something that will, one day, grow tall, strong and beautiful. And if you don't have a garden, or if it is raining - there is an alternative: you can search out your old photographs that may link - in some way or another - to this theme image, and share them. Share them on or around Saturday 30th May 2020 and add a link to the list below.

And whilst taking a rest from harvesting your special old photographs, why not take a look at what crops are around the corner. Here are the next two Sepia Saturday prompt images.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Sepia Saturday 521 : 23 May 2020

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a pair of winners. You know they are winners because their car bonnet (hood) is covered in trophies. For those who wish to follow themes, there are many on show here: prizes, winners, trophies, waves, cars, bonnets and hoods. Whatever you decide to go with, go with it on or around Saturday 23 May 2020 and add a link to the list below. And if you don't win the prize this week, you can always start planning ahead for future competitions - here are the next two Sepia Saturday theme images.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Sepia Saturday 520 : 16 May 2020

You cannot imagine how much I wish I could emulate the Sepia Saturday theme image for this week: - a pint in the sun. The sun in question was the Sun Inn, a few miles north of Doncaster and the three men enjoy a lunchtime pint were work colleagues of mine. The empty chair and the half drunk pint were mine. For me, the image brings to mind memories of work friendships and good times. For you, it might prompt thoughts of cars, beers, or sunny days. Most of all, it brings back memories of when we could go out, mix with friends and enjoy a pleasant pint of beer in the sun (or, indeed, at The Sun). Whatever photography memories it might rekindle, rekindle them on or around Saturday 16th May 2020 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are sipping your imaginary pint in the imaginary Sun, you might want to take a look at what is around the corner on Sepia Saturday.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Sepia Saturday 519 : Saturday 9th May 2020

Twos, suits, ties, brothers, cousins: there are endless possibilities in this week's Sepia Saturday prompt image. Choose whichever theme (or two themes) you want to go with and post your post on or around Saturday 9th May 2020 and add a link to the list below. And here are another two - the next two Sepia Saturday prompt images.