Monday 31 July 2017

Sepia Saturday 379 : 5 August 2017

 If you are of the opinion that we tend to repeat our Sepia Saturday prompts a little too much, you have to admit that this week for Sepia Saturday 379 (post your goats on or around the 5th August 2017 and link them to the list below) we have something a little different. It is time to look out your old family pictures which feature regimental goats - we all have one or two hidden away somewhere. If you haven't got any goaty images, well shame on you, you will have to improvise by finding a photograph of Great Uncle George with his goatee beard or your old nanny, or something similar.

And whilst you are chewing that problem over, you might want to look at what is awaiting you over the next couple of weeks.

Monday 24 July 2017

Sepia Saturday 378 : 29 July 2017

Our theme image this week will bridge the gap between ancient and modern, past and present, sepia and digital; and provide a strong and concrete foundation to our weekly festival of old images. Yes it is that unmistakable structure, the Taft Bridge in Washington DC (although for a long time I was convinced it was the Valley Bridge in Scarborough!). The image is from the digital collection of the Washington DC Public Library collection, which has been made available through Flickr Commons. Interpret it as you will, and share with us a related - or unrelated - image from your own collection - or from someone else! All you need to do is to post a post on or around the 29th July and share it with the rest of the Sepia Saturday community by adding a link to the list below.

Here are the next couple of theme images for Sepia Saturday 379 and 380.

We do have themes chosen until the end of September but, as yet, the last quarter of the year is un-themed. So why not suggest a theme of your own that we can use sometime during October, November and December.  You can do this in one of three ways:-
- by letting us have a jpeg copy of one of your own old images that can be used as a Sepia Saturday theme;
- by suggesting an old picture that is freely available to download from services such as Flickr Commons or Wikimedia that you think would be a good theme image (but make sure that the image is available to use on a copyright free basis);
- by describing a theme ("a goat eating grass next to a chap in a silly hat") and leaving it up to Marilyn and myself to find some image that is on nodding acquaintance with the idea you have suggested.

We will do our best to try and translate your ideas and suggestions into theme images for future Sepia Saturdays. And if you have any other suggesting for keeping Sepia Saturday chugging along during its second decade, let us have those as well (using Facebook or Twitter or the like, for example). So put your thinking caps on, send in your ideas whatever they might be. Let us march together across the bridge that leads from indolence to a bright new creative sepia future.

I think I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Sepia Saturday 377 : 22 July 2017

I have almost missed the boat this week - it is entirely my fault and I do apologise. However here is this week's Sepia Saturday prompt which, hopefully, is better late than never. Just post your posts on or around Saturday 22 July and link to the list below.

And here are the ones around the corner:-

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Sepia Saturday 376 : 15 July 2017

Opening Of Norwood Sports Pavilion (1909) East Riding Archives Flickr Stream
Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week is, in its original state, just a little too sepia and therefore I have added a little contrast too Sepians can focus in on the detail a little easier.

However faded the print may be,  the celebrations are clearly visible, with flags flying and the very best hats being worn. The occasion was the opening of the new pavilion for the Beverley Town Cricket, Bowling and Athletic Club, in Beverley, East Yorkshire. The eagle eyed amongst us may just notice a cricket score in the background. Whatever game you play and whatever theme you care to identify and follow in this fine old photograph, all you have to do is to post a post on or around Saturday 15th July 2017 and link it to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for inspiration - or for the bowlers to change ends - why not cast an eye over the next couple of theme images.


Tuesday 4 July 2017

Sepia Saturday 375 : 8 July 2017

Diving Man (1911) California Historical Society via FLICKR
There comes a time when you just have to take the plunge: pluck up your courage, smile (or grimace) for the camera and dive in. And what better place can there be to jump into, than a Sepia Saturday theme party? So put on your swimming costume, rub yourself down with goose-fat (if you have to), and take the plunge on or around Saturday 8th July 2017. Once you have posted your post add a link to the list below. 

Whilst you are swimming around, take a look at what will be coming up soon on Sepia Saturday.