Friday 28 May 2021

Sepia Saturday 572 : 29 May 2021

Our tour of the archives reaches the letter H and where better to look than the photographic archives of the Museum of Hartlepool. Our theme image this week features a 1920s print entitled "Remaining Belongings"which shows a man and a boy rescuing what remains of their household effects following the Great Timber Yard Fire of 1922. They carry a mattress, a couple of chairs and two framed photographs: emphasising, if ever it needed emphasising for us Sepians, the importance of the saved image. If a fire was to break out up the street now, I would abandon the chair, but quickly disconnect the hard drive with all my collected digital images. What image would you save if fire was heading down the street? Whether it's a saved image, a mattress, or a couple of old chairs, post your post on or around Saturday 29th May 2021 and add a link to the list below.

Here is what you might like to save for the next Sepia Saturday prompt.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Sepia Saturday 571 : 22 May 2021


We are walking down a sepia street this Sepia Saturday whilst celebrating the Getty Research Institute in our alphabetical tour through the great photo archives of the world. The Institute - an international centre for the study of visual culture based in Los Angeles - has a diverse collection of visual resources and a wide range of virtual and real exhibitions and conferences. More information about the Institute can be found on their WEBSITE. As usual, we invite your contributions that are prompted by this week's theme image, based on whatever interpretation of the image you care to make. Just post your post on or around Saturday 22 May 2021 and add a link to the list below.

After G comes H (in the guise of the Museum of Hartlepool) and that is quickly followed by I (the Imperial War Museum). Here is a preview of the next two theme images.

Thursday 13 May 2021

Sepia Saturday 570 : 15 May 2021


An unknown man with a shadow - it could be the title of a 1930s photograph or a philosophical treatise on the state of humanity. You will be glad to learn that it is the former and that it is also our theme image for Sepia Saturday 570. As you may recall, we are taking an alphabetical trawl through the great photo archives of the world, and our theme image this week comes from the Norwegian archives - Fylkesarkivet Vestland. As always, you can do with the theme what you will - just do it on or around Saturday 15th May 2021 and add a link to your post to the Linky List below,

Continuing through our archival alphabet, here is what lies ahead.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Sepia Saturday 569 : 8th May 2021


Man in a raincoat stood outside a tent - now there is a Sepia Saturday prompt for you. You can go with people standing, raincoats, tents .... or you could go with potential assassins! This is Lewis Payne Powell who was part of the group - under the leadership of John Wilkes Booth - who plotted to assassinate the President, Vice President and Secretary of State of the USA in 1865. If you don't have any assassins in your family archives, you might want to share whichever old photograph this theme image makes you think of. Just post a post on or around Saturday 8th May 2021 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for the plot to thicken, you might want to take a look at what lies ahead for Sepia Saturday participants.