Thursday 30 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 472 : 1 June 2019

Two famous people, scarves and bow ties, literary giants, or cameras slung across shoulders: there are the usual mass of potential theme prompts in this weeks Sepia Saturday image. All you need to do is to post a post on or around Saturday 1st June 2019 and add a link to the list below. I am still working on the next set of prompts and I promise I will post them before the sun sets on this coming Sepia Saturday.

Here are the next three Sepia Saturday theme images:-

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 471 : 25th May 2019

Lots of people stood outside a building. Hats, coats, kids, goats: they are all there (well maybe not the goats, I inserted that for poetic balance). Somewhere amongst your old photographs you will have something to match this, so get digging and present your findings in the form of a post, on or around Saturday 25th May 2019. Once you have posted your post, add a link to the list below.

Sepia Saturday is moving inevitably towards Sepia Saturday 500, a landmark to be proud of. At the same time, the number of participants is falling and I need to ask the question about our future. I will produce theme images for the final 28 prompts up to Sepia Saturday 500, and then we can collectively decide whether we want to continue further or not. I will post a final group of themes soon. Until then, here is the theme image for next week.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 470 : 18th May 2019

Launch yourself into Sepia Saturday 470 by looking through your old photographs to see if you have anything which might fit in - in one convoluted way or another - with this theme image. Ships, launches, rivers or even a long lost Auntie Vera - the choice is yours. Simply choose an old photograph, include it in a post, and post your post on or around Saturday 18th May 2019 .... and don't forget to add a link to the list below. And before you break open any bottles of champagne, take a look at the next couple of theme prompts.

Monday 6 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 469 : Saturday 11th May 2019

I have very few clues to the identity of this fearsome couple. I have obtained a translation of the caption that appears on the Flickr Commons site and it reads "The Confederation of Consumers' Associations", but what that tells us is beyond me. Whoever they are, they make a good image prompt because, if you are anything like me, you will have loads of fearsome couples in your photographic collections. Choose a couple and post them to a post on or around Saturday 11th May 2019 and add a link to the list below. As for our prompt couple, perhaps they are simply looking into the future and trying to see what the next couple of Sepia Saturday prompts are!