Thursday 16 December 2021

Sepia Saturday 601 : Christmas 2021



  1. Gathered round the old Christmas tree.

  2. Continuing the abundance of sepia photos from the net...more modes of transportation.

  3. Happy to find my own secret Sepia Christmas wish met with this week's prompt picture: A pensive man in uniform! ;)

    Seeing that SS 601 is also supposed to cover both the 18th and the 25th, I'm also taking the liberty of linking two posts this time. They sort of belong together as they show three war-themed postcards written in mid December 1914 (by my great-aunt Gerda) from Lyon in France. I preferred to put the third one in a separate post, though, because of a slightly different theme also popping up with that one.

    Happy Pensive Christmas, everyone!

  4. It's time for Molly's Canopy's annual Seasons Greetings post -- matching the prompt headline. I'll be taking a break after this week's post, returning in January. Happy holidays everyone and thanks for being there in 2021!

  5. I've taken a few days more to polish up my last post for 2021. A long one, but full of pictures and humor. Surprisingly non-musical. But more astounding is that it's a subtle match for Alan's theme, and I wasn't even trying!

    Happy holidays everyone!

  6. Wishing All My Sepia buddies a great Christmas & a Happy New Year X
