Friday 24 July 2020

Sepia Saturday 530 : 25 July 2020

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a rather clever wartime invention - a bike with a sidecar. Far better than a tandem, where both parties have to pedal, this contraption allows the passenger to sit in comfort, whilst the other half of the team provides the motive power. So our theme encompasses inventions, bicycles, wheels, fur coats and hats of every variety. Or you can simply sit back, let the others do all the thematic pedalling and post any old photograph you want to. All you have to do is to post your post on or around Saturday 25 July and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are sitting back in comfort you can always take a moment or two to see what is coming next week - which gives the poor cyclist the opportunity to go in search for a theme image for the week after.


  1. Riding a motorcycle with a sidecar isn't exactly a piece of cake. Things can get tricky if you don't know what you're doing when turning, and I'd be wary of riding in some of those earlier sidecars!

  2. On Your Bike was my theme, with many women taking to the saddle of motorbikes.

  3. ScotSue, the link above didn't take me to your post.

  4. To Avid Reader - my apologies. I have just realized the post was for some reason sitting in Drafts. I have re-published it and the link works, so do please try again. Scotsue.

  5. A couple pictures - short and sweet

  6. Some old views of the old roads I live near...a bit confusing with Old US 70 and newer US 70. And there's a bike in there too (sort of sideways on theme)

  7. This weekend I have a perfect match that continues with my post last week of Austrian postcard art.

  8. This motorbike driver looks like an odd fellow...the perfect lead-in to this week's post "1915: Uncle Albert joins the Masons and Odd Fellows."

  9. Oops...there is a technical problem with my blog. I am working on getting it fixed, but it will apparently be inaccessible until that happens. Will re-post my blog next week once repairs are done.

  10. Whew! Problem resolved, so commenting can proceed as usual :-)
