Tuesday 5 March 2019

Sepia Saturday 460 : 9th March 2019

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week once again comes from the Flickr collection of the National Library of Australia and has the title, "Nurse reading a book on the upstairs verandah of The Family Hotel in Sheridan Street, Gundagai, New South Wales / Charles Gabriel, between 1887 and 1927" After a title as long and exhaustive as that you might want to lie down and read a book. But before you do so, spend a moment or two looking through your old photographs to see if you have anything to match this theme image. If you have, put it in a blog post and post your post on or around Saturday 9th March 2019 and then add a link to the list below.

And whilst you are having that rest, spare a thought for the next two theme images.


  1. Alas, no good match for the prompt this week, unless this nurse is waiting for the mail...more on my ggg grandfather Zebulon Balkeslee.

  2. The only photo match I could finds are a couple of young ladies seated on wicker chairs. Musical of course.

  3. My grandparents’ porch

  4. 1959 Porches as backgrounds for horses and a skinny kid. Reading reviews from 1959 Better Homes and Gardens.

  5. A photo of a hand written will from 1703 (not the photo silly).
