Thursday 28 February 2019

Sepia Saturday 459 : 2nd March 2019

Here is a little taste of what is on offer at this week's Sepia Saturday. You are invited to add to the menu by bringing along your own creations in the form of your old photographs that ,ay or may not be related to our theme image. All you need to do is to share your image in a blog post, post that post on or around Saturday 2nd March 2019, and then add a link to the list below. And whilst you are waiting for your sepia soup to cool down, take a look at what is to come in the next couple of weeks.


  1. One cook, two cooks, no cooks, and strange things left simmering!

  2. Another challenging theme, so I used just the single girl idea for my post. Something artistic and just a bit musical.

  3. Still more Wilbur ...

  4. Ah, pots. Pots being fired. Yes!

  5. A taste of life on the farm where my gg grandmother Mary Elizabeth (Blakeslee) Bull lived as a child.
