Monday 21 July 2014

Sepia Saturday 238 : 26 July 2014

If you would like a sign as to what to do for Sepia Saturday 238 - post your posts on or around Saturday 26th July 2014 - then look no further than this 1935 picture of Broome Street in Manhattan which comes from the Flickr Commons stream of the New York Public Library. If you want to be on theme, you can choose any type of sign you want, or any other visual clue you can find in the photograph. If you prefer to be off-theme, then that is entirely your choice : just post your post and then link it to the list below. Before you rush off and sign up for this week's Sepia Spectacular, take a look at what lies ahead in the weeks to come.

239 : Postcards, proverbs, mischievous women

240 : Criminals, ID Photos, Named Photos, False Pretences

Back to this week. It is a sign of the times - a sepia sign of the sepia times. Post your post and sign up now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. English is such a difficult language. The silent letters drive English-as-a-second-language people crazy.
    I'm cooped up today with the famous summer cold which explains why I'm first. I'd rather be second, but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep before someone else posts and I can slide into that coveted #2 spot.

  3. A photograph from the early 1940s and a sketch from 1968, with signs. Thank you Helen for making it possible for me to be second.

  4. A bar in London which survived for more than 200 years was known after the family of my fifth and fourth great grandfathers who ran it for many years.

  5. I love signs and pictures of signs!

  6. I'm going with the wonderful old windows, because I just happened to find some nearby!

  7. I have nothing historical in my collection in the way of shops and signs, so here is a nostalgic glimpse into holiday memories and Signs with a Sense of Place.

  8. Signs signs everywhere are signs. Now I can't get that song out of my head! Help!

  9. What a fun prompt! Time's been escaping me so this week I'll get an early jump on this.

  10. I struggled with this one. I had sort of a story, but not much of one until I got permission to use a couple photos belonging to someone in one of my Facebook groups. It's still not a GREAT story, but it's better than what I started with. Pictures are cool.

  11. Signs, buildings and cars in my post too :)

  12. Some family history plus some old signs that re-surface briefly

  13. This theme defeats me, so I've taken a different tack. Everyone likes children, and I have two cute ones.

  14. I had to restrain myself with this one as I have quite few photos of street scenes in Minyip, Victoria, so I have limited myself mainly to those with a family connection, and to my delight a small number also have a man with his hands in his pockets.

  15. A bootmaker from the 1870s

  16. I took this as a sign to go off on on a different trail!

  17. On the waves of today, I went with a sad sign of the times, so to speak. Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Got back in time from my vacation to post an entry!

  19. Revisiting an older post of mine with some signs.

  20. I'm terribly it a sign? Of being disorganised???

  21. Enjoying all these sings; especially those painted on the sides of buildings.
