Thursday 18 January 2024

Sepia Saturday 707 : Saturday 20 January 2024


All those of a certain age will have memories of listening to the radio. We are not talking about streaming podcasts or on-line feeds, we are gathering around a radio - be it mains or transistor - and listening in. So let's all listen in to our Sepia Saturday theme - the sound of music. Share your memories, whether they be of radios, music or anything else, on or around Saturday 20th January 2024 and add a link to the list below. 


  1. The night can have all sorts of musical sounds. I've chosen in the country for my post. :)

  2. No radio, but my post does feature children -- war orphans like those adopted by my Uncle Fred's US Army unit during WWII.

  3. More of my miscellaneous collection of sepia photos (from the net, none my own products). They ended up having a bit of a tie to southern life, but a NY snow scene by a great photographer snuck in too!

  4. Terrific animal sounds on your post, Nightingail.

  5. I missed my Sepia Saturday deadline by 10 minutes so this is another Sepia Sunday for me. I'll blame it on the snow. I have a musical story about radio, longish, but I hope entertaining.
