Friday 16 June 2023

Sepia Saturday 677 : 17 June 2023


When looking at old photographs, clothes are always important. It's not that they make the wearer look good, or are made well, or are of high quality: its the fact that they can provide vital dating evidence.All lovers of old photographs become experts on style, because it is the style of the dress, the cut of the suit jacket, the precise width of the brim of the hat that gives us a clue as to which decade the photograph might have been taken in. So this week on Sepia Saturday we are celebrating clothes and you are invited to share photographs that, in one way or another, fits in with the theme. Just post your post on or around Saturday 17 June 2023 and add a link to the list below.


  1. Happy birthday Alan! A little Facebook told me. Guess you're off to a wonderful holiday. It sure was confusing to find the right week to add my post. But there were actually two ways if I was on the master page, rather than the latest post. So here I yam! A lot of museum info about a North Carolinian that most people have never heard of. And it took me 16 years living here before I dragged myself to visit it. I'm glad because the exhibits about slaves probably were beefed up since Black Lives Matter! You'll have to look at my earlier entries for this visit to see the slave house on the property.

  2. I think I have some postcards that fit this theme very well. Musical and, for a bit of experiment, colorful too.
