Thursday 20 May 2021

Sepia Saturday 571 : 22 May 2021


We are walking down a sepia street this Sepia Saturday whilst celebrating the Getty Research Institute in our alphabetical tour through the great photo archives of the world. The Institute - an international centre for the study of visual culture based in Los Angeles - has a diverse collection of visual resources and a wide range of virtual and real exhibitions and conferences. More information about the Institute can be found on their WEBSITE. As usual, we invite your contributions that are prompted by this week's theme image, based on whatever interpretation of the image you care to make. Just post your post on or around Saturday 22 May 2021 and add a link to the list below.

After G comes H (in the guise of the Museum of Hartlepool) and that is quickly followed by I (the Imperial War Museum). Here is a preview of the next two theme images.


  1. Many covered heads in the prompt pic', so that's what I concentrated on.

  2. Wandering about the street is something you do during a power the one in 1965 in the Northeast U.S. that I experienced as a teen in "Zip Code scares a Zap! A power outage"

  3. Once again, Alan has selected a theme for which I have a perfect postcard that matches. Actually several and not all musical. Thanks, Alan.

  4. Grandma came to Austin for a visit
