Monday 17 February 2020

Sepia Saturday 508 : Saturday 22 February 2020

By the time you read this I will be relaxing on a deckchair en board a ship taking a passage to Martinique. However my thoughts will not be on the wall-to-wall sunshine, the endless supply of jolly cocktails, and the gentle rhythm of a steel band: they will be on my Sepia friends throughout the world and their sepia challenge this week. All they have to do is to look at this week's theme image and post a post in response - on or around Saturday 22 February 2020 - featuring any old image they choose. All I will have to do is remember to wake up in time for pre-dinner drinks. It's a hard life!

Whilst you think of all the challenges facing me, relax by looking at the next couple of Sepia Saturday prompt images.


  1. So glad the prompt pic' has been appearing early, lately! :) What are those things sticking up out of the decks of ships and yachts and such, anyway?

  2. Boats come in all shapes and sizes. And not all boat decks are the same or as glamours

  3. Great to have early prompt, thanks! Wish there were more comments giving a clue to what these posts will be...but I'm going to go look anyway. Mine is about a Carnival Queen, not a boat at all.

  4. Enjoy your holiday, Alan, and thanks for another great theme for which I have the perfect set of postcards. Musical of course.

  5. Have a great trip, Alan. My post is about the brick house built by my German immigrant ancestor Andrew Stoutner, who arrived by boat (though alas, no photos of his journey).

  6. I thought this would be a tough challenge, but fortunately deck chairs can be found on land as well. :)

  7. Two of my great grandfathers travelled to the other side of the world together to serve in WW1

  8. Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours

    More than 160 000 men and women are trying a simple and SECRET "liquids hack" to burn 2 lbs each and every night in their sleep.

    It's simple and it works with anybody.

    Just follow these easy step:

    1) Take a glass and fill it with water half glass

    2) Now use this amazing hack

    you'll be 2 lbs thinner the very next day!
