Friday 1 November 2019

Sepia Saturday 494 : 2 November 2019

An old car (which was once a new car), a young filmstar (who sadly would not live long enough to become an old film star), a practiced pose .... there are more than enough potential prompts in this week's Sepia Saturday theme image. All you need to do is to match any of them - or, if you so choose, none of them - post an old image on or around Saturday 2nd November 2019 and add a link to the list below.

Whilst you are waiting for the driver to turn up and drive the car away, take a look at what will be our theme image next week. And whilst you do that, I'll sort some more theme images out to take us up to Sepia Saturday 500.


  1. Although my third great-grandmother Hannah (Hance) Blakeslee likely left her husband by train in 1858, her bold action mirrors the can-do attitude of the young woman shown here.

  2. I've run out of musical car photos, so instead post photos of a woman with a harp.

  3. Famous ladies and the cars they posed with.

  4. Family snapshots posing by our cars.

  5. My grandmother and her sisters like to gamble, in Cuba! And they also posed by various cars!
