Thursday 13 June 2019

Sepia Saturday 474 : 15th June 2019

We are off to church this Sepia Saturday. It doesn't have to be this particular country church in Sharps County, Tennessee - it can be any old church, and old congregation, any old leaning telegraph pole, or - as usual - any old photograph. Just post your post on or around Saturday 15th June 2019 and add a link to the list below. And whilst we are waiting for the preacher to start, why not take a look at the theme images awaiting us over the next few weeks.


  1. Local and family history come together with my memories of country churches.

  2. We all make mistakes with names sometimes...And here are some interesting things I found about Sharps Chapel, TN.

  3. like Lazarus, I return......

  4. My Blakeslee ancestors and the Panic of 1857: Did economic hard times precipitate my ggg grandparents' 1860 separation?

  5. My submission is a crowd of folks outside a building. Musical in part.

  6. A Sunday School group photo from 1912 is my contribution.
