Monday 31 October 2016

Sepia Saturday 345 (November 2016) : War And Peace

Our Sepia Saturday theme image for November features some war-weary troops from World War I and it illustrates our November couplet - War and Peace. You can be as imaginative as you like with this theme and choose to remember - via your old photographs - times of conflict or times of blessed peace. Just post your posts and link theme to the list below.

By the time you read this I will be on the high seas, heading down for a Sepia Summit with Marilyn. If you have any suggestions for the future of Sepia Saturday, let us have theme a.s.a.p. I look forward to catching up with all your submissions on my return.


  1. Great theme. Thanks. Love the Sepia Saturday idea and posts.

  2. How about the theme - Beards and Mustaches?

  3. Nice idea Diane, but we’ve done that to death. Would you like to join our Facebook group, where you can access more info and see what we’ve done in the past?

  4. |A theme after my own heart. I begin this month's theme by remembering the four members of our family who died in the First World War

  5. I love a challenge and learning so much about WWI this month has opened my eyes!

  6. This is a great theme for my collection. I'll start with a short story from a postcard. Musical, of course.

  7. Back to give it another try. An ugly photo of the aftermath of war.

  8. Thanks very much for the inspiration image. I am revisiting a number of stories of family members lost to us in The First World War.

  9. A short post about two members of my family who served in WWI.

  10. I have not shortage of material for this month's theme. Here is the sad tale of my cousin's grandfather who survived the war - but at a price.

  11. My father, just a boy in WW1 didn't know what he was signing up for.

  12. Commemorating the countless lives lost in WWI

  13. Happy Veterans Day in the US...and my thoughts about peace and war.

  14. Revamping and updating a post from my ‘other blog’ for Remembrance Day. It’s about animals in war.

  15. As it's Nov.. 11th today, I felt there would be no better way to observe it
    than to complete the story of my father's military service in WW1, to the
    extent that I know of it. I've tried to piece together the records and hope
    that I have most of the dates and places as they were. Sorry about posting
    them all at once, but I have a busy month ahead.

  16. This week another collection of military musicians from WW1. And a non-musical essay which I felt compelled to write.

  17. As we mark Remembrance Sunday, a look at war memorials from the national cenotaph in London to small village commemorations.

  18. A quick post with a photo of my great-grandfather during his compulsory service in Sweden in 1887.

  19. A short post on the Edinburgh Memorial, with a statue of Abraham Lincoln, commemorating Scottish soldiers killed in the American Civil War.

  20. All about the man who painted his plane red.

  21. I've been taking a few weeks' break from blogging but I'm back again now and look forward to the next topic. I do feel I've already blogged about most of my serving relatives, hence my lack of inspiration for this month's theme.

  22. I have another band of the Great War but from a different front.

  23. A tragic tale of a German bomber crashing in the Scottish Borders in 1943, and a friendship forged 70 years later.

  24. I have enjoyed working with the monthly prompt photos, but am glad to see we are going back to the weekly images. I do prefer the weekly challenges. I just hope they will prompt more participation. Hold a good thought! :)

  25. My last contribution to the theme of War and Peace. I have enjoyed writing to the monthly theme, but look forward to seeing more Sepia Saturday bloggers returning to the weekly challenges ahead.

  26. Birthday Blessings for my Mum who did her bit in WW2.

  27. I have a LOT of photo postcards from WW1, so I have enjoyed the opportunity this month to feature some of them. My contribution for this last weekend is a photo detective story about two musical postcards. It's long, but then the war was long too.

  28. This week I posted some photos from my grandfather's service in WWII.
