Tuesday 15 September 2015

Sepia Saturday 297 : 18 September 2015

"Bright Monday" is the title of this rather nice photograph from the Louise and Omar Putman Collection of prints held by the Missouri State Archives and shared by them with the world via the Flickr Commons Initiative. The subject of the photograph is un-named, the location is un-noted and the shot is un-dated : but nevertheless we have a striking image, which is typical of the work of amateur photographers Louise and Omar Putman (you can learn more about their photographic collection HERE). As far as themes are concerned there is always things like washing line, pegs, laundry and the whole range of domestic duties that are so often forgotten and largely unrecorded. But you might also want to follow a different line : what makes this photograph memorable to me is the composition - this is photography as art. What ever you decide to go with just post your posts on or around Saturday 18th September 2015 and link them to the list below.

Whilst your washing is drying you might want to cast a glance at what is around the sepia corner.

And here is your first sight at the theme image for Sepia Saturday 300. You will notice there are no prompt suggestions, we are leaving this entirely up to you - but more about that soon.

So whilst that gentle warm breeze slowly series your washing, why not settle down to a well-deserved cup of tea and plan your contribution to Sepia Saturday 297.


  1. WooHoo! This is a first for me, with being first to post! Otherwise I'd miss out!

  2. Hanging up clothes in 1944 & 1977, Mississippi and California.

  3. Some poetry, and photographs - St. Louis, Missouri and El Paso, Texas.

    It's been awhile since I've participated, and I've missed the prompts and community. I already have next week's post mostly written.


  4. I have a postcard advertising 1950s washers & dryers.

  5. Laundry in the background of old family photos ~

  6. I have memories of bringing in the frozen laundry in the winter and wish I had a photo of those sheets. But no, I had to be satisfied with the bra of the lady next door.

  7. I've got nothing except bright white clothes for this weekend. But it's 100 years old.

  8. Life in the back yard = washing + build a garage + take family photos

  9. People and laundry. Just a regular Saturday at my house.

  10. I seem to be rather good at finding sad stories...sorry.

  11. OK, so it's already Sunday...but better late than never? Except Alan has already listed next week's meme on Facebook, oh my! Well if anyone sees this, it's actually on topic!

  12. One of my favorite categories!
