Tuesday 2 June 2015

Sepia Saturday 282 : 6 June 2015

Welcome to Sepia Saturday 282 - post your posts on or around Saturday 6th June 2015. You might need to give a good deal of thought this week to the theme image before making your move and posting your post (and then, of course, adding a link to the list below). The man in the photograph is a famous musician, so you can put the games away and get the concertina out if you so wish. Whatever you decide to go with it will be a gambit we all look forward to examining.

But before you make your first move, here is what lies ahead in the game over the next few weeks.

But it is now time to make your opening move on the great sepia chess board. Good luck.


  1. Games - Any game we've ever played has taught us something.

  2. I'm not playing this week, but I am participating ;-)

  3. Posting on Sepia Saturday this weekend. Thanks for hosting! :)

  4. I really wish I'd learned to play chess.

  5. Very brief from me again this week, but just keeping in the game.

  6. Lots of games but no Sepia ~

  7. Something a bit older from before my retirement.

  8. Why is it that I can no longer beat my son at chess anymore.

  9. My father playing chess in 1952 and some memories.

  10. Very late to the game this week, but at least I nailed the image.

  11. ...I would have been incensed if someone had told me it was just a game.

  12. Panicking rather than thinking...
