Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sepia Saturday 278 : 9 May 2015

Our theme image for Sepia Saturday 278 - post your posts on or around Saturday 9th May and add a link to the list below - is a little old and tired. It comes from the Flickr Commons archives of the Romanian photographer, Costica Acsinte. I thought it would provide a suitable prompt to remind us of those old and tired images in our collections. Images that are past their best or in need of a little care and attention. You might want to share images that have faded, images that have disintegrated or even images that have been restored. Or, as always, you can ignore the theme and just share any old image you want.

And talking about becoming old and tired, I have been giving some thought about Sepia Saturday itself. Marilyn and I have been sharing our thoughts about the whole Sepia Saturday roadshow and trying to decide whether it is still fit for purpose. It is right that we have a review, but it is equally right that such a review should involve as many Sepians as possible. At this stage I don't want to start listing definite options - because I am sure that there are options that neither Marilyn or myself have even thought of. But perhaps you might like to share your general thoughts about the future of Sepia Saturday as the first stage in pulling together a list of options for the future. Do you want Sepia Saturday to stay or go, do you want themes or no themes, should it be a blog or should it be Social Media based? Let us have your thoughts - and options - via comments to this post or via our Facebook group

But whilst our review takes place, Sepia Saturday steams on as always, so here are our next two themes so you can prepare for them.

279 : Safety : Danger : Industry

280 : Boys : Girls : Reverses

Reading back what I have just written I see that I have used the phrase "images that are past their best", a phrase that should be banned from the Sepia Saturday lexicon. We lovers of old images believe that no image can ever be past their best, they simply get more interesting as they get older. Like a lot of bloggers I know.


  1. Themes were ALWAYS an option, so, not an issue...

  2. I definitely want Sepia Saturday to stay with themes and on the blog – just as it is now. I’ve tried to understand Facebook, but it’s beyond me. I don’t join in every week, because time is always so pressing, but I enjoying reading all the posts and commenting on as many as I can.

  3. I also want to stay with themes and on the blog.

  4. The themes and blog suit me too. I find the rigor of having to come up with a new subject each week, whether I'm on theme or not, god for me. I also appreciate the feedback, and in return I like to share other Sepians' take on the theme. I would be very disappointed to see it go.

  5. I enjoy themes and the occasional veering off from them, and especially how commentaries go into a new medium by the end of the week. I can't keep up with FaceBook so I don't even try.

  6. Thank you for your comments so far Sepians. I’m early this week as I’m away on my travels visiting the very people who appear in my blog. I’ll do my best to return visit but it may be after my return.

  7. I photoshopped an old sepia postcard, not to repair it, but to change the message.

  8. I'd much prefer having Sepia Saturday stay as it is with a weekly theme & as a blog. The theme makes it challenging & I really enjoy seeing how others use their imaginations to make the theme work for them.

  9. I too agree with it keeping in the current format! If you're getting worn out on finding themes and photos, I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind taking a step in to draw up a "guest theme" week to help out!

  10. This tested a senior's memory.

  11. I agree with everyone and look forward to the challenge of writing something...on the theme or not. I've grown very fond of everyone who contributes and in some cases I actually have come to know them better than people in my real life. Certainly their family histories. How many real people take the time to tell you such detail about their lives and their families? Where else would you get to know such a fascinating group?

  12. Whew...Passed the ice cream test this week. I guess after my years in the food business I'm not easily fooled. If it ever comes to identifying engine parts, I'm going to be a robot.

  13. Ghostly images for me this week

  14. Two photos found during renovations are on prompt this week.

  15. A wall of family photos and waxing philosophical - so unusual for me!

  16. I too hope that we can keep this bloggers club going as I continue to enjoy the challenge of writing stories for the Sepia Saturday themes. Since the addition of the two week advance notice, I really appreciate the extra time to organize my ideas and research. Perhaps a rotation of theme masters might help blogger fatigue.

    As for this weekend, I offer something a little offbeat.

  17. Thanks very much for the inspiration image. I agree with what many have already said and would like to see this format continued. Can we help?

    This week for me: 'In Life's Picture: We begin and we end with family.'


  18. I can't imagine life without Sepia Saturday! I visit even when I don't post...and everybody's become "family" to me; I'd miss them all! What can we do to help?

  19. I would very much miss Sepia Saturday posts, if they were discontinued. Tis a family of sorts -- and I like it as it is.

  20. Photos with aging...perhaps fire and water damage...and myself with aging and mmm, water and sun damage for sure (but no photo of same) and owning up to mistakes about my ancestors.
