Wednesday 25 February 2015

Sepia Saturday 268 : 28 February 2015

Our trawl through the various on-line archives available via the Flickr Commons initiative has already taken us to some fairly esoteric places, and this week is no exception for we are off to St Petersburg via Geneva. The photograph is in fact a 1917 postcard depicting a political demonstration on Nevsky Prospect in Petrograd, Russia, and as students of Russian history will know, this was right in the middle of the Russian revolution. The image comes from the Kathryn & Shelby Cullom Davis Library of the Graduate Institute of Geneva. For those in search of a theme there are, as always, plenty of options: parades, banners, and gatherings spring to mind and for those in search of a more revolutionary approach, there is always revolutions. All you need do is to post a post on or around Saturday 28th February 2015 and link it to the list below. 

Before you start marching and chanting, take a look at what awaits you in the future:

269 : Music / Dance / Polkas / Violets

270 : Puppies / Air Crew / Hugs

Before you start marching off into the brave new sepia dawn, just a quick reminder to visit the Sepia Saturday Magazine on Flipboard to see all your Sepia Saturday posts in a bright new format. But all that is for the future, for the moment let us rejoin the demonstration. All together now:  "What do we want? Sepia Images. When do we want them? Now"


  1. Leading off this week, as I have to catch a plane shortly, and linking is easier to do from home.

  2. Marching to save jobs and the economy is always a good one!

  3. Keeping to this week's serious theme, join a march against the demon drink!

  4. I'm way off theme this week. Can anyone make a vague connection? lol

  5. A happy parade moment which will be dear to many baby boomers.

  6. Thanks very much for the inspiration image! My post this week is very special to me because it connects to the story of my paternal grandmother, a woman I did not have the privilege of knowing. Cheers!

  7. I love where Sepia Saturday takes me!

  8. A banner year - 1923
    I apologize right now for making it sound important because it's not.

  9. A bit of stretching the theme, going to some Florida theme parks with my family in the 60s and 70s.

  10. Yes, I made it and I'm in and on a ride with everyone this week!

  11. I'm not on theme, but hoping to visit everyone all the same!

  12. I just can't stop smiling when I see those ladies all dressed up, and wearing coats on the beach!

  13. Different places, different times, different parades.

  14. I think I found something close to the theme and certainly in the same era. There is a band but it more about an unusual art form.

  15. A trip down memory lane for this sepia revolutionary

  16. I'm not particularly "on theme" this week, although there ARE a couple of men in uniform in today's prompt photo -- and my post is about a man in uniform. Good enough?
