Wednesday 4 February 2015

Sepia Saturday 265 : 7th February 2015

This week, our Sepia Saturday roadshow rolls into the Finnish city of Helsinki and makes its way to Aalto University where we are making use of their archive of old photographs which are available on Flickr Commons. In particular I have chosen this illustration from a pottery and craft class which dates back to the 1920s and is entitled "ceramic decoration". All sorts of potential themes spring to mind including pots, painting and crafts; but as always we encourage your own individual creativity to link to the image in any way you please, or - if you so wish - not at all. Just post a post on or around Saturday the 7th February and then link to the list below. Before you dash off to throw your pot, take a look at what will be spinning around in the next couple of weeks.

266 : Happy Valentine's Day

267 : Large and Small and Radio Broadcasting

Such things are for the future. Now is the time to get your sepia paintbrush out and create something for Sepia Saturday 265


  1. Ah ha, a theme for which I have lots of photos! My community pottery keeps busy, but looks a bit different from the photo prompt...just a bit!

  2. A short post, but fairly early. I may be getting back into the swing of the Sepian stuff.

  3. The only photo in my grandmothers albums that even came close to the theme photos!

  4. Family china my theme for this week.

  5. I could run and hit, but I couldn't'll understand when you look at my post!

  6. I have a classroom theme which was suggested when this week's prompt was first introduced.

  7. No pottery but seven school girls from me this weekend. All musical of course.

  8. Workshopping the topic this week :-)

  9. Observing artistic talent down through the family.

  10. My maternal grandfather loved to paint.

  11. I'm in, and Betty's coming with me.

  12. From Pottery Shack to Pottery Place!

  13. Lady jeweler working on her skills, interesting to watch someone plying her talents and turning out something so beautiful!

  14. I’ve been pushed for time lately but I managed to ‘breathe new life’ into my post this week.

  15. Late and just a little bit off-track.
