Wednesday 2 January 2013

Sepia Saturday 158 : 5 January 2013

I don't know about you, but I am still a little worse for wear following a prolonged spell of seasonal over-indulgence. I have had too many encounters with flagons of alcohol, held up too many bottles of beer in mock celebration of the New Year, and heard the drone of bagpipes for far too long. I want to leave this all-too-merry feeling behind and launch a sober mood here on Sepia Saturday in keeping with the season of resolutions and reflections. With this in mind, here is your archive theme image for Sepia Saturday 158 - post your posts on or around Saturday 5th January 2013.

Our picture dates from 1915 and shows Scottish soldiers at the entrance to their hut on the Western Front. There are plenty of potential themes for you to get your teeth into here, but just in case you are crawling away with a sore head in search of a little peace and solitude, I will remind you that you don't have to be "on theme" at all, just an old photograph and some new reflections. After posting your post just add a link to the list below.

As usual, here is a preview of the next two Sepia Saturday theme images:

159 12 January : We may be in the middle of winter here in the Northern hemisphere, but Sepia Saturday is a global phenomenon. So it is time to get those bathing costumes out and take to the seaside sands.

160 19 January : There are all sorts of potential themes here : pictures without a subject, left and right, old trucks.

Those a just a few thoughts to get you started, as always with Sepia Saturday there is no Sat Nav telling you where to go. But that is for the future; for Sepia Saturday 158 let us have a final celebration before the depths of Winter surround us (except for those in the Southern Hemisphere who can have a final celebration of high summer)


  1. When I first saw this photo prompt I just knew I had the most apt contribution - my Lancashire grandfather dressed in a kilt c.1917. Continuing the theme of camaraderie in war, I have also featured a 1940 Christmas menu served to my Uncle Harry in France - signed by his comrades.

  2. I've always loved tams, so when I saw this photo, it's the second thing that came to mind after the Tam O'Shanter bar I frequented years ago. TThe restaurant is celebrating Bobby Burns day sometime in January complete with a Haggis parade and Haggis slaying. I might go.

  3. Exploring my 69th year, I found I was named after someone who would have been 69 the year I was born, (had she lived). Sorry, not able to find anything on this weeks theme. But I'll be looking back here on Sat. to see what others come up with.

  4. Please excuse my first link up there. By mistake I linked back to this page. The second one is ok. This week I find the identity of a mysterious WW 1 soldier from a past post.

  5. Whizzing through again when I have time to blog. No Kilts, just some college boys and some references to Lincoln. :)

  6. I have a French New Year postcard with a military theme and dated 1915.

  7. I'm IN.Happy New Year Everybody.X

  8. A Happy New Year post from moi.

  9. Happy New Year everyone. Soldiers and kilts.

  10. The hut of the Scottish soldiers made me think of a sod house. And I have an old black/white postcard about it.

  11. A super start to the New Year, with just the right introduction of bagpipes that I have been waiting for.

    Three cheers for 2013!

  12. For some unknown reason my first link says my post does not exist. Thanks to Wendy for alerting me. The second one works!

  13. Hello Alan, I feel back in the saddle again! Hahahaha- wasn't sure which way to go because I really have nothing for anything Scotiish except, adoring pretty much everything about the place and it's fine people. So I hope you enjoy!

  14. I'm back with another of my lengthy contributions, but I hope you'll persevere to the end.

  15. I found something,
    on which I could have gone on forever
    but somehow, I got sidetracked...

  16. We are not the society of sobriety, but I do have the "anti prompt" this week with a collection of postcards showing churches. :-)

  17. It's way past my bedtime and I'm leaving town in the morning and was determined to finish! Had a few technical difficulties and couldn't find all the pictures I wanted and am afraid I might have been a bit long-winded. Like I am now. :)

  18. Hi! I finally got this posted, and will be by to visit you all as soon as I can. Back off to the hospital, but things are going better with MIL these days.

    Kathy M.

  19. Still dealing with the Christmas gift that keeps on giving, the common cold, but happy to be into the new year and looking forward to a lot of Sepia fun with fellow Sepians.

  20. Not a kilt in sight but there are plenty of soldiers and some snow.

  21. You wanted kilts? Fine, you got them. Have a nice day everyone! :)

  22. Hi, all here I am. I am going to promise and try to read everyone's posts this week because I do love a man in a kilt!

  23. No Scottish kilts in my family. Nevertheless I hope you all will have a splendid New Year!

  24. I couldn't resist this prompt even though I don't usually participate -never seem to have the right photos. Thanks!
