Thursday 16 May 2019

Sepia Saturday 470 : 18th May 2019

Launch yourself into Sepia Saturday 470 by looking through your old photographs to see if you have anything which might fit in - in one convoluted way or another - with this theme image. Ships, launches, rivers or even a long lost Auntie Vera - the choice is yours. Simply choose an old photograph, include it in a post, and post your post on or around Saturday 18th May 2019 .... and don't forget to add a link to the list below. And before you break open any bottles of champagne, take a look at the next couple of theme prompts.


La Nightingail said...

How to launch just about anything.

ScotSue said...

Maritime ancestors of my husband, plus my own happy memories of ships I have travelled on.

Wendy said...

My granduncle’s photo and a news article about a boat run aground

DawnTreader said...

Two early 1900s postcards of steam ships + a bit of emigration history

Mike Brubaker said...

In a round about way I think I have this theme covered. Musical of course.